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Coco & Tini RSS Feed

24 Jun Healthy School Treats
cocotini 0 1570
Birthdays and school parties are fun for children to look forward to and it is a time for sharing with their friends. They love the change from the regular routine, special songs & rituals and of cou..
24 Jun Strocel, Podcasts and Being a
cocotini 0 1615
Our first podcast interview! Jason recently had a chance to chat with Amber Strocel on her popular blog On top of discussing what makes Coco and Tini so special, Jason also gave his tho..
24 Jun Best Bath Toys for Toddlers
cocotini 0 1664
Older babies and toddlers who can sit up and pour, stack, splash and topple toys are ready to add bath toys to their bath time fun. Bath toys for toddlers can be really simple or more elaborate toys ..
24 Jun A Calgary’s Child Magazine Best Bet
cocotini 0 1604
We thrilled to have been named a "Best Bet" by Calgary's Child! Click here to see the layout...
24 Jun Gardening With Children
cocotini 0 1734
As we see the first signs of the crocus and cherry blossom buds, many of us are getting the gardening itch! Perhaps you have dug through the shed to find your seed planting flats and shaken out your g..
24 Jun 3 Pictures of Perfect Parenting
cocotini 0 1706
I recently attended a parenting talk at the children’s school on the topic of “Being the Parent You Always Wanted To Be.” It was quite enlightening and certainly gave us parents a lot to talk about th..
24 Jun Turn Learning Into Fun!
cocotini 0 1541
Do you ever watch your child in amazement and think about how much they learn every day? It's remarkable! I have heard that a person learns more before the age of four than they do for the rest of t..
24 Jun Kung Hei Fat Choi!
cocotini 0 1708
This week many of our friends and family will be celebrating the Chinese New Year and welcoming the year of the rabbit. For those of us not of Chinese heritage, it's a great opportunity for the whole..
24 Jun The Responsibility Chart
cocotini 0 1568
This week our family got out the picture hanging kit, found an empty section of wall in the kids room and hung up responsibility charts for each of our two children. We had tried the home-made respon..
24 Jun A Win For Canadian Children
cocotini 0 1564
The announcement comes today as the Canadian federal government has finally agreed to ban six phthalates, chemicals that are commonly used in the manufacture of children’s vinyl toys. This new regula..
24 Jun Preschool Panic
cocotini 0 1507
I was walking through the neighbourhood enjoying a lovely evening stroll when a woman who was out working in her garden stopped to ask how far along I was. At that point I was about 8 months pregnant..
24 Jun Holiday Leftovers?
cocotini 0 1502
We plan for weeks, cook for days and eat for minutes. Of course, we we couldn’t possibly not have enough for the holiday feast so, what the heck, throw in a bit extra, just in case. Well, now what d..
Showing 13 to 24 of 32 (3 Pages)