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Coco & Tini RSS Feed

24 Jun 10 Things To Do While Supervising Bath Time
cocotini 0 47846
Little kids need to be supervised while they’re having a bath, but as babies grow into toddlers and preschoolers, they no longer need to be actively held or within arm’s reach every moment they are in..
24 Jun Bath Safety for Babies and Toddlers
cocotini 0 4668
Bath time for little ones is a time to relax, have fun, play with some bubbles and sing songs. Taking the time to remove potential hazards from the bathroom is an important step to making sure that b..
24 Jun Mom Café Mixer at Lusso Baby
cocotini 0 3188
We’re excited to be attending the Mom Café networking event at Lusso Baby on May 12 from 5-7 pm, meeting local moms through this great and growing business network. There will be door prizes, refreshm..
24 Jun The Dirt on Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
cocotini 0 3125
Every personal care product that foams up needs to have an ingredient called a surfactant in order to produce that lather. Surfactants also help mix together oil and water, disperse ingredients throug..
24 Jun Dealing With a Reluctant Bather
cocotini 0 3179
Most of the time, little kids love baths. There’s bubbles and toys and parents and water! What’s not to love? Well, some kids don’t love baths for one reason or another, and helping them get over t..
24 Jun Yaletown Moms, You're Covered
cocotini 0 3091
We’re thrilled to be part of Saf & Benjamin’s product lineup in their new Yaletown store. The hip baby boutique features eco-friendly products (like Coco & Tini!), clothing, furniture, and gifts a..
24 Jun Newborn Bath Time Fun
cocotini 0 3430
We plan for weeks, cook for days and eat for minutes. Of course, we we couldn’t possibly not have enough for the holiday feast so, what the heck, throw in a bit extra, just in case. Well, now what d..
24 Jun Thoughtful Holiday Gift Giving
cocotini 0 3127
With all of the hustle and bustle of of the holiday season well under way it’s easy to get caught up in all of the festivities and hype. There are the parties, the decorating and the shopping to fin..
24 Jun The Skinny on SLS
cocotini 0 3137
Over the past few years you may have received a chain e-mail or have read other articles about the evils of chemicals called SLS or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and its sister Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) a..
24 Jun Immune To The Cold
cocotini 0 3234
Well the cold weather has set in and until now, my children have been trying to get away with wearing their shorts and t-shirts out of the house. Yes, that’s right- shorts and t-shirts! It seems in t..
24 Jun Elusive Sleep
cocotini 0 5157
Sleep, or lack of it, is probably the most discussed conversation among parents we know. Of course we’re hardest hit as new parents in the first few months of baby’s arrival, but sleep after children..
24 Jun So What Exactly Is A Paraben?
cocotini 0 2873
In short, parabens are the most widely used antimicrobial preservative in cosmetic and personal care products today. You will find them in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, shampoos, conditioners, moisturi..
Showing 1 to 12 of 32 (3 Pages)